notes from a coke addict and a fat exhibitionist!

hehe dont worry too much about the title! all will be explained!

right well im back from another successful exhibition, it was so much fun once id got the printing sorted out and slipped my extra page into the brochures! it took 12 hours to get there on the train which wasnt too bad, i had the highest bunk so noone could bother me and i was out the way with all my bags and photos for the show! hyderabad was a really nice city, bigger than i expected. the gallery was HUGE! i was so pleased to see my photos up there! i was interviewed by the newspapers and tv! Probably as the token white girl but hey!!! once the opening night was out the way surya (guy from work) and i went to a fort and a museum before going to his native place of gulbarga.

his family were so nice to me and fed me soooooo much! i thought i was going to pop! i ate all of the veg/chicken, chipatti, roti, egg i could manage then they brought out the rice! i didnt realise that you had to end the meal with a helping of rice! i had to eat it all though so as not to seem rude! the food was amazing though so as many of you who know me will know that i didnt really find it a chore to eat! hehe.

because of the heat we couldnt do anything during the day so i just relaxed in my very green room! the hotel i was staying in had painted EVERYTHING green! not sure if they just liked the colour or if it was to hide the mould?!?! it was nice to just have some me time and not be rushing around as usual. i hadnt realised how tired i was, think id partied a bit too much in b'lore! hehe. eventhough this 'me' time was useful i also got a bit scared about my time left here. its only 2months working then one month after that travelling, im quite scared about returning to england and leaving this country and all my mates, i think itll take a while to settle back in and get used to my old way of living. i cant wait to see my uk mates but i cant imagine leaving india for what could be forever. Nat, Em and Becca are all feeling the same, its scary! was chatting to one of my best mates, rfa, on the phone the other day and he said i'd changed, he could tell from one phone call, whats it going to be like at uni next year?!?! argh!

anyway back to my trip! had a really nice 2 days with surya and his family then we returned to blore on sun. it was a longer journey home this time and the train was absolutely packed! i got the top bunk again so as soon as i could, wothout seeming rude to surya, i escaped up there with my book and ipod and was in my own little haven! hehe.

had a random day in the city yesterday, i met a mate and we spent most of the day on commercial street buying stuff to decorate her house. she wanted useful stuff, like shelving and rugs, we ended up with a big swing to hang from the ceiling (!!!!) and 8 pairs of pants to hang on the wall using fairy lights! dont ask! it looks cool anyway! hehe.

had a good day at work today, found out 4 of my designs from last collection had all had orders! im really pleased cos was starting to feel like i wasnt really doing very good work out here so thhats boosted my confidence! yaya!

my last adicted to diet coke! everyday around noon i have to have a bottle! hehe its really odd! getting as bad as mum with her coffee adiction!

right well i expect uve all gone to sleep during that entry! flipping heck! hehe

tata for now!



Slink said…
It will take a bit of time to adjust, and you changing isn't a bad thing, you're just more confident. I think it's great. We're all excited about you coming back :). You'll be okay.. you'll soon slip back into the loughborough swing... :S!
Anonymous said…
well done K.T. on the designs.It was only a matter of time.Checks and stripes always sell !!

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