
im being really sad and sitting in a bar in my ever so posh hotel in kerela checking my emails and keeping all you guys up to date with whats happening in ktpland!

saturday was holi festival again and i got totally covered with paint! we left work and just started chucking powedered dye at each other and any motorbikes that went by! it was so much fun! wish they did something like that in england! then went to really cool houseparty to celebrate patrice's birthday and we chillaxed on the roof.

today we flew to kerela, a really beautiful place south of banaglore and on the coast. we checked into the poshest hotel ive even been to, its sooooo nice and big rooms with douvets and baths! im a happy girl! had a lovely swim this afternoon before an all you can eat buffet dinner! mmmm! tomorrow we are going on a housboat overnight on the backwaters and ive been told its lovely so cant wait! its also nice to get a week off work, i was getting a bit fed up with it to be honnest! ill be nice and refreshed to go back for just 16weeks (or something like that) of it then i leave for good! :-S argh! cess leaves on friday and ill miss her last day which is really sad and i dont want her to go! :-(

not really got much more to say, other than the fact that im all chilled out and still loving india! woohoo!

miss ktp xxx

p.s. sorry for the typing, not got my glasses on!


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