readings from the geek herself.

im reading a cool book at the moment its by bill bryson and called a short history of nearly everything and i read a bit today that i found quite interesting, its probably not to everyone else but cos some of you think im a geek im just proving it!

"fly across the united states and you will step from the plane a quinzillionth of a second, or something, younger than those you left behind....."

i just thought that was quite cool. if you flew loads and loads (actually a hell of a lot!) you'd extend your life even if it was just a second longer..............i think its interesting!

took half day at work today cos had to sit with the exhibition for the afternoon. it was quite FETCH (im getting there with the new "in" words!) and lots of people were interested in speaking to me. Ive even had an offer for my work to be displayed by another exhibitor in Hydrabad (another city further north about 12hours away!) in April. :-) im quite excited! Tomorrow is the last day and im going to be there most of the day cos i think more people that i know will turn up and it will just generally be busier. it also gives me a good chance to read and catch up on letter writing with no interruptions!

the acoustic thing last night was...erm...not very good! i was all excited about going, we turned up half an hour after theyd started and they said "weve already played this one before but we're gonna do it again!" also they didnt know the words, they had to read them from the book! oh dear! we then ended up next door at a place called nineteentwelve and it was ACE! they played loads of 80s and 90s pop which was just what i needed, we even had tragedy and ymca! yaya! what was my saying last year?



on that note............................


p.s still no news on who the irish phantom flower giver awayer is........


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