father = an atm machine provided by nature

quite like that quote above, i was told it today!

had a really cool but busy end to the week last week. Thursday was really good fun and met some lovely people from scotland. we went for a meal to cosmo then ended up unexpectedly in taika for one drink before my driver came. Friday was cosmo again, another wicked night out seeing everyone and i got to hand out my invitations for my exhibition (eeek!) theres a poster advertising it in cosmo (and taika as well i think) now which is quite exciting! Saturday, cosmo AGAIN!! but this time just to drop off something and then i got a lift to club x. id never been before but it wasnt bad actually, i prefer taika and spinn but it was much less busy! another bonus was that it managed to stay open till 1:30/2am this week before the police came with their sticks again! ....by the way happy birthday rock chick for last saturday! hope you had a good night out, sorry bout the phone call i was on my way home and had had a bit of kingfisher! whoops! hehe!.... Sunday was a rest and relaxation day. went swimming to the taj westend and sunbathed all day! it was so hot though you couldnt sunbathe for long without having to get in the pool. you lot in uk jelous yet?! :-P we then went to the cinema to see "constantine" very cool film but a bit weird! i got scared as usual and to make matters worse i got back to bommasandra in a lightning storm, had no power and couldnt find the candles! today i was at work all day but couldnt sit still i was really fidgety and got hardly any work done what so ever! decided to go swimming tonight cos had too much excess energy, tried to go to leela but the pool was closed for a private party! doh. that was the only place i knew stayed open a bit later and i felt ok going there on my own. never mind anyway i came to forum and went shopping!!! yaya! by far my favourite sport!

this week im thinking of doing a bit of a detox but cant really see it happening! its too much effort! hehe! especially seeing as st patricks day is coming up! ;-)

only 2 days left now till the exhibiton opening, its really cool cos hopefully quite a few people will come and see it! argh better get thinking how i want to display it now i know people are coming!! :-P hehe!

rambled on far too long now, need to get some plastic cheese before fab mall shuts else em and cess will kill me!


the exhibitionist xxx


Slink said…
hehe like the quote, think my dad would agree! Phew .. what a week you've had!!! busy bee

Hope you're okay madam :D

Anonymous said…
goodluck for your exhibition, just right, an exhibition for the exhibitionist,stay your normal fun self, love ya for it Ax
Anonymous said…
Best of luck today,chavette.Or are you now officially known as the exhibitionist,So many nicknames...its a bit hard to keep track of them all.

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