KtP update October 2017 #1SE

Well that's it for another year! Phew! Hope y'all had a good one! Now it's time for that weird limbo between Christmas and New Year where no one knows what they're doing or what day it is!

To confuse you even more we're going to time travel back to October and look at another of my One Second videos..... nearly there folks... stay with me... one to go!
garden prep... snapchat silliness... waiting for a train... new hair colour... another day another dollar... Scroobius Pip awesomeness... India girlies plus couples and babies brunch... new ring hunt... tube traveling... flu jab owwie... Tommy craziness... Nandos date night... work drinks... Houlker catch ups... the week to come... Reel Big Fish gig... the Ceroc gang... lucky me got flowers... chippy tea... Tommy loving the work storeroom... stuck in Alcotraz with Anna... garden tidy up... skip arrival... fake grass aceness... found my Sports Direct mug - huzzah!... big shop... amazing Halloween shoes... Calpol sniffing... beard glitter ftw... Steps singalong while waiting for Adam... Ceroc Halloween party... 

Ttfn x


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