KtP update August 2017 #1SE

Wow these updates are now coming in thick and fast! Did warn you! It's now time to see what we got up to in August... hold on to your hats folks!

Ceroc "white party"... showroom notes... swimming session... World Athletics Championships day 1... day 2... day 3... MDWAP pub spot... Tuesday Ceroc fun... bridesmaid-to-be flowers... Hardcore Listing podcast... Great British Beer Festival... cream crackered and hungover... much needed mow of the lawn... Dishoom catch up with Emhen... classy lunch stop after a meeting... Frank Turner at The Monarch... chilling in bed... Spoons catch ups... pug bum tattoo (as you do!)... Jack The Ripper tour... Birthday Proms... taxi dancer extraordinaire... even more cream crackered... Manchester road trip... tea toast... the happy couple... flower festival... pug meet madness... games room chilling... soggy Amsterdam wandering... sunny exploring... 

Ttfn x


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