
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Ps Roast Challenge

Seeing as it's Sunday and traditionally a day to enjoy a roast I thought I'd share this little 1SE video back from when I attempted to cook a coast for Easter Day, as you may know I'm not the most willing of cooks, but the ale sure helped me along! Ttfn x

NERG & Newcastle weekender 2017

At the start of July we made our annual pilgrimage to NERG (North East Retro Gaming) up in Gateshead. Adam, Ash, Nick & I all met up Saturday morning at our hotel before heading straight to the International Stadium to game (& drink) the day away. And we did exactly that. This year they had linked with a local brewery & they'd made a special ale just for NERG. The show started at 10am, their first keg ran out at 11am, they had to send for backups - it was that good! In true KtP fashion I've done a 1SE video.... Saturday's part - NERG - lots of gaming and drinking, drinking and gaming, I slowly get more and more worse for wear as the day goes on! Thankfully Sunday is a lot calmer - Pokémon raid... then when the boys went back to NERG I visited the Baltic Gallery... caught up with Aunty Beryl... chilled out in the hotel bar... then played Exploding Kittens for about 4hours while drinking more ale... then headed home Monday morning. Ttfn x

One does Chelsea Flower Show

I've always wanted to visit Chelsea Flower show & this year I got the chance to tag along with mum, and my aunt & uncle. It was so nice to have a day off work, to chill out with mum, have a proper girly day and all with awesome weather to top it off! What better way to share it than... yup you guessed it... One Second A Day! Here's my little video to make you feel like you were there! Enjoy! Wasn't overly keen with the "Best in Show" garden but some of the other smaller ones were lovely, especially the 5 BBC Radio 2 sense gardens. Some of the flower arrangement tents were a bit too stuffy for me but I loved wandering around the huge marquee and seeing all the different flowers and plants there to buy, I could have bought so many Cacti! I even wandered on the Easigrass stand to check out the fake grass... watch this space, hopefully we'll have a lovely (fake) green lawn to enjoy sometime soon(ish)! We managed to enjoy one glass of overly-priced Pimm...

KtP update June 2017 #1SE

Following on from my FOMO post last week I've been finding my "One Second A Day" monthly movies even more important. Sadly my I lost my May one due to my phone breaking but here's what I got up to in June... Thursday night Ceroc fun... Friday Night Spoons... Coin collecting with the in-laws... card games and silly hats...  Monday attitude... going off grid... English pints with American friends... Best. T-shirt. Ever! - if Belinda Blinked means nothing to you... don't worry!... Sausage and Cider fest with the uni gang... Miami Vice theme pug party... MDWAP... Being asked to be a Taxi Dancer for my local Ceroc group (meaning I help the beginner dancers and run a review class with a few other taxi dancers each time)... doggy mayhem in the office... watching Tommy the musical and playing pinball in the interval... first BBQ of the year - whoop... India Girlies catch up... Marylebone Street Fayre dancing in the streets... "spa day" in the paddling pool.....


I don’t normally talk about my feelings on here but this is something that’s been really affecting me recently. I co uldn’t put my finger on it until the other day so didn’t really know how to talk to people about it. The last week or so I’ve been really down, felt like I was missing out on so much and feeling incredibly lonely… To some of you I’m sure this sounds crazy… my diary is always full seeing different people and I’m always out and about… but for some reason it just wasn’t enough… It was driving me crazy trying to work out what the problem was and why everyone else was having more fun than me. This was until I was read the “Unplugged” edition of Grazia on our drive up to Gateshead last weekend & it hit me… F.O.M.O! (I know this word makes me sound like I’m trying to get down wit da kidz – that phrase proves I’m not!) But bingo that was it… FEAR… OF… MISSING… OUT… I’d noticed the last few months I’ve been more and more addicted to my phone… Scrol...