it's all about me

I've not blogged for a while - mainly due to the fact I've built up such a batch of things to blog about I have no idea where to I'm starting from now...I might travel back in time & blog a few things here & there....I also might not...let's see. 
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My whole online presence has been taken over a bit by a certain Mr Tommy-Dog's Instagram account & his ever increasing followers (736 & growing!).....If you're not following & want to have a nosey click HERE I'm going to make a real effort though to split my time between dog & human social media more evenly - promise Mr Watson!

After off-loading my to do list on my last post I'm actually feeling a bit more positive & on top of more things than I'd realised...

~ get back into blogging - here I am! miss me?!

~ get a regular dancing routine going - I've actually been going to Ceroc classes for the past 2 months & I'm loving it. Last night was our final night in one venue before we move to another one...we had a huge party & I feel like I've started to make some new friends too.

~ get a decent gym routine going - we've said we're going hopefully the start of a routine?!

~ tidy up & clean - I've just started reading "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying" by Marie Kondo (late to the party I know) hopefully this is a huge step towards the new KtP?!

~ meet more pug people - done done done...think escape rooms...puppy birthday parties...pug meets...more on this soon I'm sure!

~ go to more gigs - ahem Frank Turner on Friday - wahoo!

Every thing's looking rosey :)
Ttfn x


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