Proud as punch

Last weekend as Mr P crossed the finishing line of his Half Marathon I thought my heart would burst with pride....I wanted to tell the world what a great job he'd done!
We met 3 of Adam's work mates early last Sunday & set off to a chilly Richmond hoping for sunshine....we were granted a few rays of sun along with a few showers of hail in true British weather fashion. Once everyone had set off Art, Sam & I grabbed a cuppa to warm up before finding a spot at the 12mile mark to cheer people along. I was amazed how many runners had enough breath to say thanks as we clapped and/or shouted the names on their tops & a few gave grateful smiles as our claps brought a little spring to their step. All of a sudden a fluorescent yellow hat, trainers & a bright green 'For Jane' t-shirt came into view & we cheered Adam along...I was amazed he was still smiling - I'd have been crawling at the start, let alone after 12miles! After that, as we walked to the finishing line we kept spotting Adam amongst the he turned the last corner I was there clapping & then it was all over, he got his medal, t-shirt, banana & (more importantly) cupcake I'd promised him at the start. What a champ! 
He found out his time yesterday...drum roll please...2hrs 12min which is brill! That's the longest distance he's run to date, roll on the next one yeah?!

Adam's fundraising page is still active HERE if you wanted to donate :-)
I've explained more about the reason he's chosen these charities in my previous post HERE.



Slink said…
Brilliant work Adam! Well done! :-)

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