the little train that could

finally i have some motivation! when everyone else is just starting to hibernate & slow down for the winter & i'm ready & raring to go! i've missed this feeling of wanting to do stuff straight away instead of pushing things back & back & the to do list growing instead of me crossing things off but now the times are a changing!

not sure if it's cos chrimbo is upon us & i'm getting stupidly excited as always & so am eager to do lots, but whatever it is i hope it stays around long enough for me to tick off most of what's on my list & start the new year with a fairly clean slate. here's to hoping!

one reason i'm excited is that by june next year i should have no debt (except for my student loan which doesn't really count cos it comes out of my account before i even know about it!). it'll be brill to have that little bit of extra cash to save, go jiving more, buy that odd top & not feel guilty about it & go on a few more little breaks with adam. it aint been easy but i've been working hard on getting it down & now the end is in sight! bring it on! :D

i've not really done an update on me for a while but not that much has been happening
~ works going, same old same old! not much mroe to say on that front.
~ our little home is growing more like a home day by day (the kitchen is almost done so look out for our 3rd installment probably by the new year).
~ adam & i are really happy & getting more used to sharing our space & time as the days go on (not that it was ever a problem but whenever 2 independant people come together at first & share their personal space things are bound to get a bit tense every so often).
~ i can almost hear santa's bells round the corner (i must have damn good hearing cos i'd written my chrimbo cards 2 weeks ago! i'm using all my strength not to post them now! :P).
~ the weather has turned cold & crisp not dull & mild so i'm happy wandering around in my brightly coloured bobble hat, scarf & mittens with a red nose, this is why i love winter so much.
~ and finally most of the time i'm pretty contentent (the parts that i'm not 100% happy with at the moment are in the process of being sorted out too so it's all in hand).

yay for positive moments!
x x x


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