Snap Happy

Well i'm off once more! My poor little cybershot has gone to the digital camera heaven in the sky :-( it did last me my travels in india & ever since. Decided i'd just get a cheap point & click jobby & ended up with this very pink polaroid. It's really good! So many different settings & some better than the sony. You can either set it dead simple for kids or have it telling you about shutter speed & aperture etc. The only down side is it takes double a batteries so they can run out a bit quick.

The things hanging off my camera are jelly lenses. A great little invention! They stick to the lens & give you different effects. I've got the starburst, wideangle, hexagonal & twinkle. Keep getting a bit carried away with them but hey! It's worth it!

As i said in a previous post i'm really getting into my photography again so i've started another photo blog. See ktpland_photobucket in the links section.



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