hey ewe, yes ewe!

rfa, michelle and i at hey ewe.
Had an ace time with michelle, it was so much fun to see her! we had a girly time getting ready to go out which i dont really get the chance to do much seeing as i live with guys! so made the most of it! hehe. matt, matt2ie, nat, becca, amy and helen all came round for warm up drinks before heading off the the union. it was quite funny actually cos none of those people that came round actually went out afterwards! we'd heard that the union que was too long so we went to lloyds first, it was really empty so got a table without any problems and played some really funny drinking games! 'gear change 1-2-3-4!' hehe. we decided to risk the union and got there about 11:30, there wasnt any line at all and so walked straight in. had a wander around and bumped into damith, anant, tom, jim and tesh. had a boogie with them in cognito and then went into room one for a proper dance on the big dance floor. it felt so good to get out and about again, not had a night out in soooo long! woohoo!
saturday was bonfire night and rfa, rikster and i went to the towers fireworks on campus. as usual they were pretty spectacular and everyone did the obligatory 'ooooh' and 'aaahs!' there were waltzers there but i didnt get to go on them this time :'-( was gutted! how can i see waltzers and not go on them?! grr! rfa and rikster were too chicken to go on. chuh! men eh?!
right anyways need to pluck some inspiration out of thin air and do some work. grr the only downside to being a student!!!
p.s i do keep writing my blog with paragraphs but this stupid website keeps getting rid of all the spaces, its well annoying! grr!


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