ou est le hot water?!

well im back but not for long, im off to lufbra again tomorrow morning to start my 21st birthday celebrations (although im not really 21 untill the 21st but ah well need time to celebrate!!)

paris was really good fun apart from there being no hot water for a day and a bit in our hotel, but seeing as im used to cold showers in bommasandra it didnt bother me all that much! also the food was very expensive the words "c'est un rip off" could be heard quite a few times at various restaurants but appart from that we did all we wanted to see and shopped as much as our bags would allow! (luckily i was just travelling with a backpack so it could have been alot worse!). we saw the eiffel tower (it sparkles at 10pm and 11pm which was nice!), notre dame, arc de triomphe, walked down the Champs Élysée, etc but the best bit was going to the moulin rouge! ooh lala! it was brill although they didnt do much of the cancan which was a shame, plus you only got one glass of champagne complimetary! chuh! hehe! it was an amazing show though, and id recommend it! luckily we had really good weather too and so we strolled around enjoying the views (and some of the french talent! ;-) ) the only trouble with having been on another holiday is that ive now got all my paris stuff PLUS all the rest of my india stuff to unpack! grr!

im moving alot of my stuff into the house in lufbra tomorrow to make it look a bit lived-in before my mates all arrive tomorrow and saturday! should be a fun weekend and lets just hope i dont get ID'd at ehcos again! (i got ID'd to check if i was over 18 last friday then in paris was ID'd to check i was under 25!! how does that work eh?!)

not really much to say other than i had an ace time, its nice to be back in uk but would still much rather it was india right now! who said women are never satisfied?!?!



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