25 bags need a good home!

ive not yet mastered the technique of making a proper link but i really had to post this website! it made me laugh so much! check it out!


finally finished sorting my room and garage, ive ended up throwing out 25 handbags AND some shoes! argh! whats happening to me! well i say thrown out, im selling them at a car boot on sunday and when i see them all spread out ill probably take half or more of them back! no, i must be strong! my room is so big, both at home and uni without all the rubbish that i'd collected over the years! theres so much stuff we might end up going to 2 car boots! hopefully we'll sell quite alot cos i need money!!

off out again to lufbra tonight with the woodlands crew! well 2 of them anyway, the others were busy! looking forward to seeing sanj and rew, not seen them since i got back. partay once more! hehe.

dads got a day off work today so we are going out to national trust place i think and taking a picnic! :-S hopefully the weather will be a bit better than its been over the past few days! i think the mosoon followed me back to the uk! its been horrible! right better go and help mum make the egg and tomoato sarnies (a plumpton tradition!)!



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