

So much for updating this blog more regularly! Yoink!  In a nutshell, life has changed again...  I was made redundant in August, I knew I wasn't happy in my job but it still hit me like a tonne of bricks. I'd been working in the fashion industry for 15years, now the rug had been taken out from under me it gave me the fresh start I obviously needed. I was left with no work or home ties to London and so decided to relocate to the Midlands. I started to apply for jobs and found one that seemed perfect, a studio assistant role on minimum wage, I went for the interview and found out the next day I hadn't got that job, but the boss had wanted to employ me as her PA / Project developer, it was a dream job come true! All that organisation with creative bits thrown in! Huzzah! I've been working there a month and a half and I'm loving it, the people are lovely, the job is great, and the embroidery product is beautiful. Now I'm in a job I love again Positive Parker has sta...


McDs reopened today, we only had to queue half hour too! Bonus! That is all haha. Stay safe and take care y'all Ttfn x


So... week 9 furloughed and in lockdown, how did that happen?! The time has flown by but also crawled at the same time. Stuff I took for granted at the start of the year - gigs, wrestling, the pub, going for meals, sitting in church, feel like a million years ago and a totally different world. Having a bit of a "meh" day today so taking it easy and just relaxing. Thought I'd try to make it easier by thinking about my TILT... 💗 sitting here writing my post with Tommy lying on me and snoring away 💗 listening to mum record her sermon for the next online church service 💗 Selling Sunset on Netflix - the trashy TV I needed 💗 RocknRoll Bride's Confidence Club 💗 reading my book in the sunshine 💗 freshly baked scones for lunch with jam and cream 💗 a sunny garden centre visit with mum earlier in the week and being able to chose plants to buy for her for her birthday 💗 watering the lawn morning and night while listening to a podcast and drinking a cuppa 💗 Quizzlemania =...


Who knew when I started this blog in India as a way to keep in touch with you all I'd finally make it to post 1000! It's fitting that the post is a positive one too, so here's to another 1000! Here are the things I've been loving... 💗 post 1000! 💗 morning alarm going off at 8am, but not emerging till 9 💗 phone catch up chats with friends 💗 enjoying wearing outfits for me even though noone else will see them 💗 super sexy spikey high heeled boots 💗 surprise parcels from friends 💗 expected parcels from online shopping 💗 reminiscing over old photos 💗 travel journal projects 💗 tentative new plans for the future 💗 going for my lunchtime walk with Tommy and letting him choose the route 💗 finding new rainbows everyday in windows, on walls, on the floor 💗 finding chalked out hopsotch on the pavement & hopping as I walk along 💗 making Mince Pies with mum in May - cos why not?! 💗 getting to eat some of the raw pastry 💗 helping mum in the garden in the sunshine ...

Groundhog Day

I've not forgotten about you all, promise! I keep wanting to type something on here, to update you all, but I'm stumped... I've got nothing to say. Life just feels like a continuous Groundhog Day. Today was a real uni duvet day, it was rainy and grey outside so we all curled up on the sofa, read, watched tv and napped. Bliss. Wish I had more to say, but that's it really! Hope you're all staying safe! Ttfn x

Up and Down like a flipping yoyo

One minute I'm ok, all Positive Parker, being a lockdown lady of leisure... the next I'm in a muddle, feeling totally overwhelmed and being a total Negative Nelly. It's exhausting. I know I'm not the only one feeling like this on an emotional rollercoaster but wow! Friday was a particularly bad one, I got the news I knew would be coming but was clinging onto a tiny (unrealistic) slither of hope that it would be ok, my trip to Berlin with 2 of my Frank Turner Fangirls was cancelled, first the flights, then Frank announced the 4day festival Lost Evenings was cancelled, then I had to sort my hotel cancellation. All 3 of us knew it was coming but it was a sad day, at least we're planning for Lost Evenings 5 to be one hell of a celebration, even if it's in Australia (side note - please don't be in Oz, I can't afford it!!). On top of this my Lewis Capaldi gig in July was cancelled as well as the Kasabian gig in June. As a busy social butterfly I'm fin...


Well we're in this lockdown for at least another 3 weeks so thought I'd try to look on the bright side of life (di dum di dum di dum di dum)... Here are my Things I Love Thursday. 💗 waking up at 9am and not having to get up at 6:45am 💗 time for Headspace 💗 sunshine 💗 opening my curtains to a stunning garden thanks to mum and dad 💗 being able to hug mum and dad any time I want 💗 lunch in the summerhouse with the sound of the waterfall going into the pond 💗 Tommy cuddles 💗 online quizes coming out of my ears 💗 stopping off to watch tiny lambs in the fields for a moment 💗 lots of Zoom catch ups 💗 planning more Zoom catch ups 💗 new projects and new challenges 💗 getting back into puzzle books and colouring in 💗 rocking my new lilac tracksuit loungewear 💗 knowing it's Thursday thanks to Frank Turner doing his weekly live gig on Facebook (missing gigs and wrestling soooo much right now) 💗 the "clap for carers" moment at 8pm every Thursday and seeing th...