
Who knew when I started this blog in India as a way to keep in touch with you all I'd finally make it to post 1000! It's fitting that the post is a positive one too, so here's to another 1000!

Here are the things I've been loving...
💗 post 1000! 💗 morning alarm going off at 8am, but not emerging till 9 💗 phone catch up chats with friends 💗 enjoying wearing outfits for me even though noone else will see them 💗 super sexy spikey high heeled boots 💗 surprise parcels from friends 💗 expected parcels from online shopping 💗 reminiscing over old photos 💗 travel journal projects 💗 tentative new plans for the future 💗 going for my lunchtime walk with Tommy and letting him choose the route 💗 finding new rainbows everyday in windows, on walls, on the floor 💗 finding chalked out hopsotch on the pavement & hopping as I walk along 💗 making Mince Pies with mum in May - cos why not?! 💗 getting to eat some of the raw pastry 💗 helping mum in the garden in the sunshine 💗 pug dog snores 💗 looking back at an April in lockdown... 💗

Remember the little things!
Stay safe
TTfn x


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