
So much for updating this blog more regularly! Yoink! 
In a nutshell, life has changed again... 
I was made redundant in August, I knew I wasn't happy in my job but it still hit me like a tonne of bricks. I'd been working in the fashion industry for 15years, now the rug had been taken out from under me it gave me the fresh start I obviously needed. I was left with no work or home ties to London and so decided to relocate to the Midlands. I started to apply for jobs and found one that seemed perfect, a studio assistant role on minimum wage, I went for the interview and found out the next day I hadn't got that job, but the boss had wanted to employ me as her PA / Project developer, it was a dream job come true! All that organisation with creative bits thrown in! Huzzah! I've been working there a month and a half and I'm loving it, the people are lovely, the job is great, and the embroidery product is beautiful. Now I'm in a job I love again Positive Parker has started to reappear, I'm working on coming off my antidepressants and I generally just feel lighter. I've even started house hunting up here - watch this space!

Check out September's 1Second...

💗 new job = new notebooks 💗 Stock Take and trusting me with counting(!) 💗 Socially Distanced Pilates 💗 stocking up on the McDs! 💗 Dr Martens factory shop = heaven on earth 💗 online church - cant wait to get back to a real face to face service 💗 mum giving me a guided tour around the roses in the garden 💗 packing a mahoosive wholesale order - all hands on deck! 💗 Covid masks need a tea flap 💗 TD loving his yogurt pot 💗 Team photo 💗 Lilly & Lulu - pug invasion 💗 First journey into London since March - it was so quiet 💗 Pissheads reunite for birthday drinks and Proms 💗 Meeting Apollo - the bestest lockdown puppy 💗 STEPS are back baby! 💗 behind the scenes Instagram Reel 💗 melted jelly sweet mess 💗 last BBQ of the year 💗 McDs in the park catch up 💗 new ink! 💗 Love Island USA - whoop 💗 being brave for a flu jab 💗 Socially distanced gig 💗 new nails who dis?! 💗 temperature checks at work 💗 BoJo's announcement to wfh if you can 💗 house hunting 💗 sunny morning walks before work 💗 never get tired of seeing a rainbow 💗 afternoon tea loveliness with the Ceroc ladies 💗 TD not enjoying his walk! 💗 pop into the office - need a temperature check 💗 WWE - amazing ladder match! 💗 proppa cuppa from dad while I work 💗 Keeping my chin up when a house hunt didn't go to plan 💗 chilling with a new embroidery from work - bliss 💗

I also had a memory come up on FB of last year's 1Second... I can't get over how busy I was, how many people I saw, and what I managed to cram into 30days! I do miss being busy and dashing around and hopefully it'll be back at some point... September this year was certainly better in regards to doing stuff, but still nowhere near September 2019! I want to get back to moshing and hugging people as soon as possible!
Ttfn x


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