Eh up - looong time no speak…

How’ve you been? Is anyone still out there?!
Sorry for the radio silence, life and FOMO have run away with me again and I’m getting back on track slowly but surely.
Am I allowed to say FOMO?! Is there an age limit on the term FOMO?! Am I now one of those un-cool older people who say FOMO and the younger ones roll their eyes?! Probably.

To be honest I’m a bit stumped with my blog at the moment....
Since Photobucket changed and I can’t use them to host my photos I’ve kind of lost the spark for posting little updates and they’re not the same without a little photo...
Also I keep meaning to upload my One Second Everyday monthly posts but time slips away from me.... don’t fret I’ll be jumping back on it & uploading the previous months soon (yay I hear you say! :P)

2017’s been a bit of a weird year for me – ups and downs (quite a few downs actually) and struggling to stay motivated but I’m hoping 2018 is going to be a better year…
Lots in the pipeline… hopefully resulting in a happier KtP… cryptic I know!

Anyway, it’s just a little update to say I’m still here…
I’ve not forgotten my little blog (can’t believe I’ve been keeping a blog for 13years in Jan!)…
Roll on happier times & more updates

Thanks for sticking with me…
Ttfn x 


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