Tommy's first day with the big kids.

Yesterday Tommy had is induction for Doggy Daycare. Whenever it was my first day at a new school mum&dad would take a photo of me by the front door ready to go so I couldn't resist carrying on the tradition with Tommy Dog! I wrote more about this tradition HERE
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look at that little snaggle tooth! Love him!

I dropped of a very nervous looking puppy dog & picked up a rather hyped doggy who seems to have had an ace time. He made a new friends, including one dog that was twice his size & I was told that if he didn't want to play with a certain dog he'd just ignore them until they walked away...such a snob!

I must confess to blubbing a bit when I said bye to him & he whimpered. It was like I'd dropped my first born off at school for the first time! I'm such a wimp.

Anyway so here's to many more fun play dates at Doggy Daycare....well as many as the bank balance will allow!



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