Johnny meet Dave

Last week our favorite Cupcake shop that doesn't sell cupcakes hosted one of our favorite singers Dave Hause, it was a match made in heaven!

I made my way from work as quickly as possible but knew as I joined the back of a very long queue I wouldn't make it into the shop where the gig was to be held. Thankfully the British weather was unsually kind & they decided to hold the gig outside on the street so that all 150 of us (the shop only holds 50 people!) could enjoy it. The atmosphere was brill as we all sang & clapped along.

The crowd grew unintentionally seeing as we pretty much filled the width of Fouberts Place. It meant random people ended up having to watch the gig too, most people enjoyed it, a few people tried to start a scrap as they barged by, I'm sure it didn't help that the whole group of us started laughing at them (including Dave) but hey!

Afterwards we had a chance to go into the come on I wasn't going to pass up a chance to go all fan-girly with Dave & shop at one of the best places in London (especially as it was 20% of everything in store!). Three t-shirts, a signed book & a photo later we left the store with big grins on our faces that grew even bigger when we spotted a photo on my phone of two of the JC staff instead of a second shot of us with Dave! Love it!

It's days like this I really love London & the little gems it throws at you. I think my photos always reflect the weird & wonderful events we get to go to....roll on the next one!

Ttfn x

click HERE to see the JC Blog from the can just see Adam & I in the crowd shots!


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