Its not so bad being trendy.....

Well since i last blogged which im ashamed to say was ages ago (im a busy person, people to see, places to go! Yeah right!) Ive been to see reel big fish AGAIN! This time tho we managed to get right to the front. Ive never been so hot, sweaty, battered & bruised but still happy in my life Hehe! It was at ulu in london & the venue was a little dated to say the least! It was like a school hall, there was the wooden flooring, a small stage for assembly(!) & huge windows with curtains that dont completely cover them so while youre at the gig the suns still shining through! :-S as usual the gig was ace & i kno i sound like a crazed fan but aaron & jonny christmas definately smiled & waved at the smiley, sweaty thing being crushed that was me at the front! :-)

Ive also been to see the rents for an evening, well i went to have a dip in the hottub & chinese but was nice to see mum & dad of course too! :-P

Last weekend becky, laura & i went to leeds to visit lizzibeth & tony which was nice. Had a good girly chit chat & relaxed in the park which i think contained the whole of leeds! It was huge but there were people having bbqs everywhere! Never seen so many in one place!

The other reason for not blogging much is cos my social life has been suspended for 13weeks & 2days cos the big brother season is upon us once more! Yoink! And on that bombshell.......!

X x x


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