whose a pain in the neck?!.........ME!

eh up chickens, well im still in this stupid neck brace! ive got another set of tablets for a week then this new dr (who is sooooooo much better than all the others rolled into one! he actually examined my neck, dont think the others knew where it was!) will decide if i need any blood tests! ARGH! now any of you that know me will know that that little bit of info will not have gone down well! ill let you know how many peoeple i punch to the ground before they manage to do it (IF they do it!).

just found out dire straights are coming out here in march! cool! another concert here i come! bangalores concerts are sooo much better than luffy! not hard tho!

right well not really got much to say apart from *ow* and good night! mwah



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