
Last September I was lucky enough to get the chance to take part in the "Blood Swept Lands & Seas of Red" at the Tower of London....
Those of you who are regular readers will know I love helping out the Royal British Legion & this was a chance to be part of something awesome! "Blood Swept Lands & Seas of Red" was to mark the centenary of the outbreak of WW1, in total there were 888,246 ceramic poppies (1 to represent every British / Colonial serviceman killed) & the last one was planted on Remembrance Day. If you want to find out more & see a video about the poppies being made click HERE.
Early one Saturday morning I set off to the Tower of London & joined another 120 people for a 3hour shift. The aim was to plant 5000 poppies to keep on track for the 11th November but someone ended up opening an extra palette & we planted 6000 instead! Our team was lead by a Beefeater's daughter who actually lived in the Tower - such an interesting life! It was an unusual atmosphere as we planted the poppies, it was hard to comprehend that many people had lost their lives.

Ttfn x


LAP said…
Proud of you xx
@Scarfie1 said…
Great photos and blog. Wasn't it just the best experience ever? I planted twice and picked once - it was such a lovely project to be involved with. I hope you have a poppy too! Mine came last week so happy to have it as it completes the circle. I will treasure my memories of the poppies and miss them so much. Last weekend the moat looked so sad without the poppies but that reflects the tragedy they represented....
Thanks for your post! SAx
ktpland said…
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! I haven't seen the moat without the poppies in yet but your comment above describes it perfectly. Lucky you getting to plant twice! What a great experience! X
AJP said…
Great pictures

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