Last September I was lucky enough to get the chance to take part in the "Blood Swept Lands & Seas of Red" at the Tower of London....
Those of you who are regular readers will know I love helping out the Royal British Legion & this was a chance to be part of something awesome! "Blood Swept Lands & Seas of Red" was to mark the centenary of the outbreak of WW1, in total there were 888,246 ceramic poppies (1 to represent every British / Colonial serviceman killed) & the last one was planted on Remembrance Day. If you want to find out more & see a video about the poppies being made click HERE.
Early one Saturday morning I set off to the Tower of London & joined another 120 people for a 3hour shift. The aim was to plant 5000 poppies to keep on track for the 11th November but someone ended up opening an extra palette & we planted 6000 instead! Our team was lead by a Beefeater's daughter who actually lived in the Tower - such an interesting life! It was an unusual atmosphere as we planted the poppies, it was hard to comprehend that many people had lost their lives.
Ttfn x
Thanks for your post! SAx