The Breakfast Club

No before you ask I've not finally seen another 80's classic film. Last weekend Adam & I met up with Lou & a few others for her Birthday Brunch. This wasn't just any old brunch it was The Breakfast Club Brunch! I've wanted to go there for ages so jumped at the chance when Lou sorted it & boy I wasn't disappointed! I'll let the following picture do all the talking.....
....see what I mean?! I had a cuppa tea & french toast with banana & bacon - don't scrunch up your nose till you've tried it, it was yummy! Adam was the well behaved one as always & had porridge though did have a nibble of mine (I wasn't going to share more than a nibble with him tho!). Every one's food looked delish & I was so glad I wasn't on the wedding diet anymore! Phew!
The decor of the place was great & right by us was an old games console with Fifa95 'the best console football can get' apparently! There was one loo plastered with My Little Pony wallpaper & the other was full of The Red Devils, boys being boys they'd added little speech bubbles, mainly about Barry being gay & me with my immature mind kept giggling away as I looked at them, & yes I was in the boys loo!
After we'd filled our bellies Adam & i went for a wander round Spitalfields & The Truman Brewery to see what was on for Design Week. We didn't really find much so decided to head to the Saatchi Gallery that never lets us down (they've got some great pieces in there at the mo, you've gotta go!), before we left the area though we still found time to grab a bag of chips to share from Poppies! Yoink!

Ttfn x


Anna Z said…
Anonymous said…
Ktp, please may I have the photo you took of me? Cause it's really nice :D Lou xxx
ktpland said…
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ktpland said…
Anna - I need to take you here at some point! x
Lou - done :) x

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