Back to the real world.

Well we're back to the grindstone today. Boo! Where did that 2weeks go?! To make it feel like we're still away I've included a few honeymoon pics to try to brighten up a Wednesday back at work *groan.*
I have no idea where to start with unpacking/reading cards/looking at photos/coming to terms with being a MRS let alone blogging! It's been really good to have a break but now I feel like I've got a million&1 things to share with y'all! Do I bombard you with a wedding week or drip feed everything to you?!
We really enjoyed our mini-moon to Jersey & it was the perfect break away from everything & everyone (no offence anyone reading this!). After all the mayhem of the previous week it was fun to be with my husband re-living our special day (especially on the Saturday when we played the 'what were we doing this time last week?' game!). He kept asking about the secret little errands I'd been on & I spilled the beans of the trauma of a non-fitting dress & what we had to sort out in the run up & he told me everything he'd been up to a well & it was great to finally get to share each thing.
Today though it's been back to work with a bump! At least it's only a 3day week for us, maybe that will give me enough time to finally get through all these emails?!
Ttfn x


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