And all that Jive!

I'm back baby! After taking an unwanted break from Jive since the wedding (I still have a black toenail but it's not gonna take away my fun any longer!) I popped down to Oval last night for my first JiveNation class of the year & boy was it ace!

It's always fun to catch up with familiar faces & on top of that I had some brilliant dances! I was a bit rusty at first but once I'd dusted away the cobwebs from the 'jive' section of my brain & I remembered what a smoothback was I was laughing!

I'll just leave you with a video of Max & I jiving our little hearts out at the wedding. I might not be the greatest dancer in the world but I love every second of every dance & that's what matters right?! It also helps when you have a proper twirly princess dress on! ;)

Ttfn x


AJP said…
What a pair of stars
Liz S said…
That dress was made for jiving! xx
Anonymous said…
ktpland said…
thanks for comments folks! here's to more (much more) jiving in 2013! :) x

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