Scrabble Scramble Sundays

Last night we decided we didn't want to just sit in front of the tv so instead we dusted off the Scrabble Scramble set that I'd got about 3years ago & never touched. While playing though my inner blond-ness sure did show through! Yoink!
I wasn't off to a very good start when I spelt 'merth' & thought that was correct (my English teacher would be having kittens right now!). That was after I'd complained about getting blanks cos to use them I had to use my imagination.
My next go wasn't much better when I shook out these letters & realised I didn't know any Polish words.

First of all I was keeping score but after the following comments....
"....I can't add 5 to 2 so had to start with 5 & add the 2"
"....If you let me do it on my fingers & don't rush me I'm fine"
Adam decided it would be better if he carried on!
My Scrabble mind was getting the better of me by this point cos I thought this spelt 'dust' with no problem at all!
My next go threw up these letters & lead to the following conversation:
K - "When I see these letters I immediately wish I could spell Meerkat"
A – "I'm so glad I don't have your brain, it must be a living hell"
I'm pleased to say that after a shockingly bad start I actually beat Adam. Goodness knows how! Woop woop!

It was really fun playing a game together & it's something I always thought we'd do regularly when we moved in but never got round to doing. Well if it's good enough for Katie & Tom it's good enough for us!
ttfn x


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