Not sure how clear this photo is but hey! With Bill Bailey it was Kelli Young (from libertyX) & John Barrowman (from torchwood, the dr who for adults) & on Phils team it was Robin Ince (random comedian who i recognised but not sure what for!) & Daniel Bedingfield (need i say more?! Woot Woot! Hehe). The presenter Simon Amstel was good too, not as good as Mark Lamar but i think he will be soon! He wasnt great at reading the auto cue tho, he took 3 or 4 takes each time! Was dead funny though!

It was really tiring being in the audience for the show cos you had to be enthusiastic & laugh & cheer all the time, not that it wasnt funny & it was a chore, you just get worn out after a while! Especially when they are filming for almost 2hours & in the end theyll only use 30min of it!

Think the episode is on in the next few weeks. It'll be interesting to see whats kept in & edited out. Ill definately be applying for more tickets to shows. It was free & a really good night out! :-)


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