
Showing posts from December, 2016

Chrimbo Limbo

It's that time year... Christmas has been and gone in the blink of an eye... some lucky souls are back at work (yay so glad to be back...hmm!)... now we're just waiting for the New Year festivities to begin and for us to see the back of a rather rubbish year. So when I got my new Bobby Pin from Crown & Glory I thought it was rather fitting.... Roll on 2017... let's make it a good 'un yeah?! Ttfn x

Captain’s log – Cowboy Pufest MK

Welcome to another Tommy Tuesday update. I was lucky enough to go to 2 Pugfest events this year, my second one was near Milton Keynes. It had a cowboy theme and saw me changing from a Captain to Sherrif for the day. As well as roaming the field keeping an eye out for bad guys I took part in the pugdash but sadly didn’t win thanks to my 3 second attention span, well what’s a pug to do when surrounded by so many other good smelling pups?! It also gave me a chance to meet some more of my Instapals & here they are – why not stop by and say hi…… KOLO .... BARRY .... LARRY AND WILSON .... Until next time...stay pawesome x If you want to follow more of my antics find me HERE on instagram

Ktp update Nov 2016 #1SE

Well we're well on our our way to Christmas...huzzah! Before we all get carried away with the festivities here's what November brought us.... Ceroc... Tommy time... Apprentice... fireworks... catch ups... remembrance day... new Christmas tree... more Ceroc... Brian Fallon gig... learning to cook (finally!)... Paul's wedding... Take Me Out filming... Jimmy Eat World gig... even more Ceroc... cream crackered! Phew! Can't wait to share December with you all! It's been crazy so far & will only get "worse" before it gets better! Ttfn x