If this pang of excitement stays with me until my wedding day I may well explode! Whenever I see my bit of bling it makes me smile cos all I can see is Adam getting down on one knee while looking out over London & then at random times I just get a jolt of excitement rushing through me as I think “eek I’m going to be a MRS & I get to show how much I love Adam & vice versa in front of all my family & friends & have a good old party after!” what more could you want?! Plans are going well. I’ve been to two wedding fayres now (one with the rents & one with adam, nick & lisa (another bride-to-be!)). The first one was lovely, nothing huge & no scary bride-zillas walking around with clipboards, just simple ideas to add an individual touch. The second was in Croydon & a bit bigger, by this point tho I’d begun to realise that if you look interested & pick up a flyer on a cake stand they’ll give you tasters! Needless to say we didn...