
Showing posts from August, 2007

Tickets more sort after than Glastonbury.......!

A couple of weekends ago was the very exclusive 'P-fest.' So exclusive many people won't have even heard of it! It was held at mum and dad's house so I couldn't really invite loads of people, so sorry if you didn't get an invite, it was purely for space! I do still like you!! :P THE FLYER THANKS TO ADAM'S CREATIVE-NESS! Adam and I drove to Leicester on the Friday afternoon and then Dan and Kat (2 other members from the band W.I.T.) travelled down by train. Friday was nice and relaxed and we all chillaxed in the hottub together. I'm such a groupie!! Saturday was when the excitement started......the band spent the day rehearsing ready for their Leicester debut! At 7:30 the guests started to arrive and the nights fun began. Unfortunately it was raining so in reality it was very authentic festival weather, but seeing as people were coming to enjoy themselves and not get caked in mud we decided to move everything indoors. Everything that is except...

chapter 1.....

As you can probably tell I still don’t have internet in my new flat hence no posts on my blog! So I'm writing this offline and will post it when I get somewhere with internet! A lot has happened recently so I'll start writing from a few weeks ago and will eventually catch up to date with what's been going on. I don't want you all falling asleep at your desk as you try to read one huge post from me! Just imagine....the whole of earls court was turned into a pub. wow, heaven!!! That's right it was time for the great British beer festival in London, it was great fun. you could buy 3rd of a pint for about 70p so it was a great way to try lots of different beers and not get too drunk in the process! :-S you could also chat to a badger on the badger phone - don't ask, it seemed like a great idea when we were there! honest! Not really got much to say on this cos it was literally a huge pub and lots of real ale! After that Adam and I staggered to Brixton to...

home is where you hang your hat - tho not found a hook for that yet! :S

ive done it! ive finally found a new, bigger and cheaper room! I'd been looking for a while but wasn't in any rush and was planning on just going when the right thing came up, and it eventually did! so last monday i packed my bags (boxes, bin liners, anything that would hold stuff!) and left my little room i moved into just over a year ago. Ok my new place is 10min further up the road but as i said it is bigger AND cheaper (more importantly)! Also its right next door to a 24hr Asda! haha! the flatmates are cool too, i'm living with 2 guys (one aussie - mark and 1 english - james) and a spanish girl called olga. i'm glad i'm living in a mixed flat again now, i definatly prefer the atmopsphere of a flat where there are guys there too! i was really lucky with my old room too cos i managed to find someone to take it almost straight away and she's moving in tomorrow! :) so its all gravy! MY ROOM AFTER I'D PACKED UP MOST OF MY CRAP, IT LOOKED SO MUCH BIGGER! ...

day 59 in the big brother house............

i know this is a bit behind the times but my internet aint been working at home so i havent been able to blog recently so heres a little back track of what's been happening in ktpland: last friday i managed to get 4 tickets to the big brother eviction night. I was so excited! THE INFAMOUS BB EYE! it was a good night to get tickets for too cos one of the girls that everyone loved to hate was up and so we knew it would be a good atmosphere, and we weren't wrong! adam bless him had been in the que since about 5pm and the rest of us didn't turn up until about 6:30! we eventually got in after everyone else in bright costumes and banners were allowed to push in (we werent told about that, if we knew we could have done something!!) we then went through some very strict security searches and sniffer dogs (more for show than anything i think, he wasnt the best behaved dog in the world!!) we later learned though that security had been tightened cos of charlie and the fact that qui...